Materials - Kiri, Kuri, Sugi and Keyaki
The wood craft, Iwayado-Tansu, uses various types of wood. The tree of zelkova (Keyaki in Japanese) is its main material. Other woods used include the paulownia (Kiri), the chestnut tree (Kuri), and the Japanese cedar (Sugi). The wood of Keyaki especially signifies the quality of Iwayado-Tansu because of its special character. The timber from the Keyaki tree, aged over 300 years has its impressive grain and a rich viscosity. They are especially grown in forests along the Kitakami Mountains where the city is located.
The inside of each drawer is made of the wood of the Kiri. Kiri, which protects clothes kept inside the drawer from either humidity or fire, is well known nationally among Japanese people not only for its fine grain, but also as an important product of Iwate Prefecture. The flower of the Kiri is selected as the prefectural flower.